Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holding On ~

We are to hold on firmly to Gods way's ...

As we believe in His way that accomplishes His will in our lives ... we must not waver or let go of that hope within us. We must continue to follow along those sometimes difficult pathways that wind through uncomfortable places with the expediency of it leading to a level path to walk.

Our God is asking us to ... trust Him! Commit to His leading ... listening to His commands. As we learn to trust His leading we begin to have clarity in our listening ears by faith. Then we begin to see the refreshing newness of what lies ahead on the pathway He has chosen for us to walk.

He makes our burdens light ... for we are not to carry the complete load ... we give Him the heavy part so we can be set apart as we watch and learn.

"Let us hold fast our profession of faith ..." Hebrews 4:14 ~

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